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Job Substitutes

If you cannot honor your Parent Job obligation, it is your responsibility to find a Substitute for your shift. Securing your Substitute is NOT the responsibility of the Parent Job Coordinators.

A Substitute is defined as a worker other than the swimmer’s parent or legal guardian.

A list of experienced LT Job Substitutes is available via a Google Doc. Please email the Parent Job Coordinators for access to the list: [email protected]

You are not required to use one of the listed people; you may hire any responsible neighbor, friend, or family member. The list is a resource that is available to you, but we do not guarantee the availability of Substitutes on this list. As such, we recommend securing your Substitutes well in advance.

The suggested pay rate for Substitutes is $16-20 per hour. You are responsible for negotiating and paying your Substitute directly.

The following rules apply when hiring a Substitute. If you aren’t sure whether or not your Substitute qualifies to work, please check with the Parent Job Coordinators.

  • In general, Substitutes must be at least 15 years old
  • Snack Shack workers must be at least 18 years old (this applies to meets, Snack Shack Tuesdays, etc.)
  • Substitutes working at adult social events (i.e. Happy Hours, Moms’ Night, Dads’ Night) must be at least 21 years old
  • Substitutes may not perform the Shepherd job
  • Substitutes may not perform the BBQ job
  • Current LTST Swimmers cannot sub if they are swimming in the meet.
  • Substitutes must arrive at the requested check-in time and stay until the end of the meet or event, unless a shorter shift is noted.

Substitute procedure

  • If you sub out a job, you are required to inform the Parent Job Coordinators of the name, cell phone number and email address of your Substitute at least 24 hours in advance of the job check-in time.
  • Inform your Substitute of the appropriate check-in time, job location, and role.
  • Please familiarize yourself and inform your Substitute of the Fines policies.
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