
Spirit/Coach Appreciation Week Reminders (SIGN UP FOR POTLUCK!)


A few friendly reminders for this fun filled week!

  • Family Spirit Night:
    • We can’t have a potluck without food! Please sign up HERE, pasta is our biggest need!
    • Don’t forget to sign up if your family would like to participate in the family relay HERE
    • DCSL is adding a dads’ relay and moms’ relay at the end of day Sunday. We’ll have a sign-up out on Thursday evening. If there is more interest than relay spots, we’ll need to decide how best to select (swim off?!)
  • It is Coach Appreciation Week! Please encourage your swimmer to do or bring a little something on the day that is assigned to their age group. Some ideas are a handmade card, snack, gift card, or treat - encourage your swimmer to be creative!
    • Monday, July 22 - 13 & Up
    • Tuesday, July 23 - 11/12
    • Wednesday, July 24 - 9/10
    • Thursday, July 25 - 7/8
    • Friday, July 26 - 6 & Unders
  • Spirit Relays & Mudskipper/Sea Pony Debut - 11:00am - 1:00pm tomorrow - please note there is no 6&U practice.

Go Seahorses!

Dana & Amy

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