Time Trials Tomorrow!
Dear Seahorse Families,
Tomorrow, we kick off the season at our first all-team event, Time Trials! We wanted to send a few notes - some are repeats, and some are additional details especially for those who are new to swim team. Thank you ALL in advance for your patience with one another. Tomorrow will be a long day, but it’s a great opportunity for families to spend time together, swimmers to brush off their racing skills, and all of us to iron out the meet logistics before our competition season begins.
Time Trials Timeline
- 7:45 AM, Pool is open for 15-18 age group early warm-up, in case you want more than about 10 minutes of warm-up time.
- 8:00 AM, Warm-Ups officially begin with the 15-18 swimmers first. All swimmers should be ready to get in the water when their age group is called.
- 9:00 AM, Meet begins
- 2:00 PM, Estimated end time
We are NOT allowed to park in the Church parking lot across the street tomorrow, as they will be holding their weekly services. Please park in the neighborhood if the LT lot is full.
Name Tags
So many new families have joined our team this year! Parents, let’s introduce ourselves to one another by wearing name tags. These will be available inside the front gate tomorrow morning.
Meet Program and SwimTopia App
You should have received an email from Matt Worster with the Time Trials meet program attached as a PDF. You may also have been prompted to download the SwimTopia app. As Matt mentioned in his email, by downloading the free version of the app, you will be able to see your own swimmer’s heat and lane assignments (and eventually, seed times). The paid version of the app will allow you to see the heat, lane and seed time of the competing swimmers as well.
For those who have used Meet Mobile in the past: We are still determining whether or not we will push meet results to Meet Mobile this season. It is not directly compatible with our new meet management software (Meet Maestro). You will NOT see results on Meet Mobile in real-time during Time Trials tomorrow. We’ll keep you posted with regard to seeing results there for future meets.
Thank you for your patience as we (Directors and Timing Desk) continue to learn the ins and outs of our new team management and meet management programs.
Marking Your Swimmer
Please help us keep the meet on schedule by marking your swimmer’s hand with their heat and lane assignments, prior to arriving at the pool. Use the meet sheet that Matt Worster sent to look up your child’s heat and lane assignments. There are instructions for how to mark their hand HERE.
What to Bring
Not sure what to pack for tomorrow? Check out a helpful list HERE.
Parent and Swimmer T-Shirt Pickup
Parent and Swimmer t-shirts (included as part of your swim team registration) will be available for pickup during Time Trials. To pick up your family’s shirts:
- Find your family folder in the ribbon file boxes
- In the folder, you will find a slip of paper listing the t-shirt sizes you ordered during registration
- The meet announcer will prompt families to bring their slips to the Apparel table in alphabetical order. Please wait until your portion of the alphabet is called, so that we keep things organized and no one waits for a long time!
Unfortunately, the bulk order of personalized swim caps is delayed arriving. Please feel welcome to have your swimmer wear any swim cap they have. If your swimmer does not have a cap to wear for Time Trials, we have some supply of plain LT caps. Very sorry for this delay - we thought the cap order would be here by now!
LTST Yard Signs
We have yard signs for families who are new to LTST. If you are a new family, please stop by the Yard Sign table, let our helper know your name, and take home a sign to display your team pride! If you are a returning family who would like a new yard sign, they are available for purchase, $10 each.
Our Fundraising Coordinator, Colleen Mahoney, has been hard at work organizing some unique experiences you won’t want to miss! We will be sending a Fundraising Preview email shortly. Remember that Time Trials is our most important Fundraising date of the year! We are saving up for a NEW SCOREBOARD so please be as generous as you can. Be prepared with cash, check or Venmo.
Time Trials Parent Jobs
If you have a Parent Job at Time Trials, you should have received a confirmation email from our Parent Job Coordinators, Sarah and Heather. Please refer to this email for specific instructions.
Please remember: You MUST check in upon arrival so that Sarah and Heather know you are at the meet.
Snack Shack
The Snack Shack will be featuring Breakfast Sliders (soft baked rolls with melted cheese, egg and ham) on the morning of Time Trials, as well as favorites like bagels, coffee, hot dogs and hamburgers. The snack shack accepts cash, Venmo and credit cards.
See you tomorrow! Go Seahorses!
Marisa and Dana