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2025 Swim Team Registration

Swim Team Season: April 21, 2025 - July 27, 2025

Before registering, please review all Swim Team Program Information HERE.

In order to participate in the Las Trampas Swim Team, your swimmer must be

  • able to swim 25 yards of freestyle without stopping, and without holding onto a parent/coach or lane line
  • able to hold the side of the pool and listen attentively to instruction
  • a member of Las Trampas Pool (except 15-18 swimmers)
  • no older than 18 years as of June 15, 2025

The Head Coach makes the final decision regarding a child's readiness for swim team. If your swimmer does not meet the readiness requirements for swim team, we encourage you to enroll him/her in one of our Pre-Team programs.

Parents / Guardians
  • New accounts will be sent an email confirmation message with instructions to set up a password.
  • Previously registered parents/guardians cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent / Guardian Information

+ Add a parent / guardian to this registration
  • Previously registered athletes cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Athlete Information

+ Add an Athlete to this registration
Home Address
Medical Release Waiver

I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian for my child(ren). I hereby give my permission for any supervisor, coach or other team administrator associated with the Las Trampas Swim Team to seek and give appropriate medical attention for our child(ren) in the event of accident, injury, illness. I will be responsible for any and all costs associated with any necessary medical attention and/or treatment.

I hereby waive, release and forever discharge Las Trampas Swim Team and associated supervisor, coach or other team administrator from all rights and claims for damages, injury, loss to person or property which may be sustained or occur during participation in Las Trampas Swim Team activities, whether or not damages or loss is due to negligence. I hereby acknowledge that my children is (are) physically fit and capable of participation in all Swim Team activities.

Liability Waiver

By registering my child(ren) with the Las Trampas Swim Team, I agree to participate (or allow my child(ren) and family members to participate) in the Las Trampas Swim Team, and hereby release Las Trampas Swim Team, its directors, officers, agents, coaches, and employees from liability for any injury that might occur to myself (or to my child(ren) and family members) while participating in the Las Trampas Swim Team program, including travel to and from training sessions, swim meets or other scheduled team activities.

Code of Conduct

Swimmer Code of Conduct

  • Swimmer-to-swimmer and Swimmer-to-Coach contact is not allowed. Spitting, splashing, and any general roughousing is strictly forbidden.
  • By attending practice, you attest that:
    • You are not experiencing any symptoms such as fever (100 degrees or higher), chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
    • If you or a member of your household tests positive for Covid-19, you will follow current Contra Costa County Health Department guidelines based on your vaccination status.
  • Attend practice as much as possible. Daily swim practice is important for swimmers to learn stroke technique and to build strength and stamina, as well as to build rapport with teammates and coaches.
  • Twice weekly meets are an important part of swim team. Do your best to swim whatever and whenever you are asked by the coach.
  • Check the meet program so you know which events you are swimming.
  • Encourage all team members to do their best. Everyone is important to our team and our goal is to help everyone achieve his or her best.
  • Older swimmers should set a good example for younger team members.
  • Do not destroy or damage members’ items, pool equipment, or facilities at home or away. Inconsiderate or damaging behavior may result in barring swimmer from meets or possible expulsion from the team (without refunds). Never climb or play on pool cover rollers. (Parents of swimmers may be required to attend meets and social event to ensure that these guidelines are respected.)

Parent Code of Conduct

  • Parents will verify that swimmers have all necessary equipment prior to dropping off at the pool, including but not limited to: goggles, caps, towel, water bottle, sunscreen.
  • Parents will be timely in dropping off and picking up swimmers.
  • By allowing your child to attend practice, you attest that:
    • Your swimmer is not experiencing symptoms such as fever (100 degrees or higher), chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
    • If you or a member of your household tests positive for Covid-19, you will follow current Contra Costa County Health Department guidelines based on your vaccination status.
  • Set and reinforce expectations with your swimmer: Show respect and attentiveness toward Coaches, and treat swim practice as a learning environment.

Code of Conduct Violations

To be sanctioned by Coaching and Lifeguard Staff in consultation with the Swim Team Directors:

  • First Infraction: Dismissal from practice session for the rest of the day.
  • Second Infraction: Dismissal from practice for the rest of the week
  • Third Infraction: Suspension from program. 
Parent Job No-Show Penalty

I agree to work Parent Jobs per the Parent Job Requirement outlined for the 2025 season HERE.  I acknowledge that failure to fulfill my responsibility will result in a fine of $150 per infraction, as outlined in the Parent Job Fine Policy.  This fee will be charged to my credit card on file by the Las Trampas Team Treasurer. 

Covid-19 Waiver


In consideration of receiving permission to utilize and participate in activities, athletic programs and related events (collectively ACTIVITIES) at Las Trampas Pool (LAS TRAMPAS,) the undersign acknowledges, accepts and agrees to the following terms:

  1. As the undersign, I agree to the terms set forth in this agreement and I have the capacity to agree to these terms on behalf of myself, my spouse or domestic partner, any minor children or other qualifying family member.
  2. I am fully aware and understand the risks and hazards associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. I am familiar with the guidelines and orders set forth by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, County of Contra Costa and the State of California regarding COVID-19. I acknowledge, accept and understand that these guidelines are ever-changing and modified on an ongoing basis and I am responsible for familiarizing myself with the most current updates.
  3. Participation in any ACTIVITIES at LAS TRAMPAS includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including, but not limited to, MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19.
  4. I have read and am familiar with the rules set forth by LAS TRAMPAS concerning usage of its facilities for any ACTIVITIES and understand that personal discipline may possibly reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. I fully acknowledge and am aware of the potential hazards or risks associated with COVID-19, including serious illness and death.
  5. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation in ACTIVITIES and will take reasonably efforts to protect myself and any individuals identified in paragraph 1 against any infectious diseases including COVID-19. If, however, I observe any unusual or significant hazards during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring it to the attention of the nearest official immediately.
  6. I acknowledge and fully assume the risk of illness or death related to COVID-19 arising from my being on the premises and participating in any ACTIVITIES. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, and assume full responsibility for my participation in any ACTIVITIES at LAS TRAMPAS and hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE (on behalf of myself and any individual identified in Paragraph 1) LAS TRAMPAS and it officers, directors, agents, employees and assigns (the RELEASEES) from any liability related to COVID-19 which might occur as a result of my being on the premises and participating in the ACTIVITIES.
  7. It is my express intent that this Waiver and shall bind any assigns and representatives, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE, and COVENANT NOT TO SUE the above named RELEASEES. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, interpreted and controlled according to the laws of the State of California.

IN SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, I ACKNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENT THAT I have read the foregoing Waiver of Liability and understand it and sign voluntarily; no oral representations, statements or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made; I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent; and I execute this Agreement for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same.

Photo Release

By registering for the Las Trampas Swim Team, I acknowledge that my child's name and/or photo may be used on the Las Trampas Swim Team and/or Pool website, DCSL website, Las Trampas Swim Team and/or Pool social media accounts, and DCSL social media account.


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